Life is a rhythm, health is a rhythm, happiness is a rhythm, and gong bath sessions, through the sound vibration and light therapy allow to set or re-set that rhythm
The Chakras are wheels of energy ultimately connected to body’s rhythms
This is a little note to try to understand the multidimensional realms of energy and its manifestation.
In yogic anatomy we have energy channels called Nadis, there are 72.000 Nadis, of which 3 are major as they control all others and are responsible to raise the Kundalini Energy.
The 3 major Nadis are Sushmuna (in the centre of spinal cord, and where Kundalini raises); Ida (passive, introvert nadi; flows from the left side) and Pingala (active, extrovert nadi; flows from the right side). Ida and Pingala spiral around the Sushmuna. They all originate in the Muladhara/Root Chakra.
The Nadis merge in a vortex of energy centres called Chakras.
Chakras are not Nervous plexus and/or Endocrine Glands, but are related to them on an energetic level. Chakras are energy vortexes.
The function of Chakras are to receive/collect the energy, called Prana, transform, balance and/or accelerates this energy, and distribute it to the other parts of the body.
It is understood that function of the chakras, assists healing, spiritual awareness and keeps the organs functioning well.
The Ancient Sages (scholars and Yogis) who mastered the dynamics of life and shared their knowledge and experience, believed that all imbalances start at the Energetic level, because we perceive reality through its energies and using our 6 senses (touch, sight, hearing, smell, taste and feelings).
And as such health, healing and balance will ultimately involve an energy balance.
Red light therapy & Root/Muladhara Chakra
Muladhara means root support. It is located at the end of spine between the anus and the sexual organs (the perineum in the male & the cervix in the female).
Muladhara represents your physical identity, the survival instinct and the ability to identify with your body and its needs.
It is connected with the organs of elimination (bowels), the bones, the feet and legs, the immune system and the adrenal glands. The Adrenal glands although far up on the top of the Kidneys, releases the adrenaline and cortisol; which are survival hormones.
Red Light is the Colour of Muladhara Chakra. Red light may be used to reduce headaches and migraines. Red light has also shown to reduce pain. In colour-therapy it is used to stimulate the general life force and to release old mental patterns.
When the energy of Muladhara Chakra is balanced:
we are comfortable with the self and able to fulfil its needs; that is: our body, home, finances, work and environment.
we learn with the lessons of life and are grateful for them,
we have an unconditional self-love and we are open to success, prosperity, time to the self, pleasure, adventure, friends, relationships.
When the energy of of Muladhara Chakra is unbalanced
we may have aches and pain in legs, feet or bones in general, any general disorders of the bowel, chronic health issues.
we may have an addictive personality or behaviour,
we may avoid intimacy, we find distrust in others and in the hostile world and we may be workaholic
Orange light therapy & Sacral/Swadhisthana Chakra
The second chakra/ Swasdhisthana Chakra is located approximately two fingers above the root chakra extending from the top of the pelvic bone to the navel. In Sanskrit the literal meaning is “self -dwelling place”.
It is symbolised by a lotus with six petals, it is controlled by the Water element (moveable and sensitive), the moon (changeable) representing therefore, emotions and the underlying movement of the Karmas (Karma means action, the law of Karma states that for every action there is a reaction)
The Swadhisthana Chakra features the human foundation. It is the heart and soul of our creativity.
Associated with the sex chakra metaphorically, it represents the power to create and recreate, to give and receive. It is associated with the tongue (the creation of words), sexual organs (creation of life), bladder (associated with the autonomous nervous system, which regulates all the body’s basic vital functions) and kidneys (where the vital energy, the energy that moves us up resides).
On a deeper level, Swadhisthana is the seat of individual and collective unconsciousness, so this chakra depends on the energy of others in order to flourish, allowing the experience of merging ourselves with the “other-selves”.
Orange colour is joyful colour and it is great to use if you want to bring more happiness to daily life. Being a mixture of red (physical energy) and yellow (mind action), it gives an action oriented energy to accomplish tasks in a constructive and balanced manner. It works on the organs of the Second Chakra: Kidneys, bladder, genitals, prostate, uterus and the small intestine.
When the energy of Swadhisthana Chakra is balanced:
We have ability to initiate, empathy with others, generosity and willingness to share,
We posses genuine intimacy, empowering relationships
We share passion for life with a desire to use our creativity in every action benefiting all humanity.
Working on this chakra can help with symptoms of menopause & PMS and symptoms of depression and anxiety associated with imbalance of sexual hormones
When the energy of Swadhisthana Chakra is unbalanced:
we may experience poor boundaries,
emotional dependency,
inability to express our creativity,
instability and constant mood swings.
Physically energetic imbalances may be connected to areas of the body: hip joint, sexual organs, bladder, reproductive issues
Yellow light therapy & Nabhi/Manipura Chakra:
Situated in the spine behind the navel is the Manipura Chakra, the Third Chakra or the Nabhi Chakra (Navel Chakra). In Sanskrit it means “City of Jewels”. It is represented as a bright yellow lotus with ten petals and the Yantra of agni tattwa (the fire element).
Manipura chakra in a more subtle level, is the psychic centre that controls the instinct, the gut feeling, the drive to find not only food but what nurtures the psychic self. It is our sense of ego, ambition, fear and fearlessness.
Manipura Chakra is our energy point, and it is located near the Solar Plexus. The organs and glands that are involved with Manipura chakra are gastric glands, pancreas, gall bladder, liver, portions of the small and large intestines, spleen, adrenals, kidneys and stomach.
This is the chakra level where people become extroverted, confident, it is where we get the energy to be involved in many external activities, whether in work or play.
The Yellow Colour is a combination of Red Colour and Green.This is a secondary colour and will connect to the Root and Heart Chakras. Yellow is stimulating for the nervous system, It helps the joints, muscles, lymphatic system and digestive system to flow. Yellow is the colour of intellect, intelligence, business, skills. It helps to give energy in particular when there is depression, apathy and discouragement.
When the energy of Manipura Chakra is balanced:
we are connected to the essence of our spiritual warrior.
We have the energy and power to go towards our dreams with energy, strength and consciousness awareness.
When the energy of Manipura Chakra is unbalanced:
we may manifest sluggishness, weakness, lack of personal identity depression, vulnerable to stressful situations
Low energy in this chakra may affect all digestive functions
Green light therapy &Heart/Anahata Chakra:
Situated in the spine, behind the sternum, level with the heart, is Anahata Chakra. The word anahata means “unstruck”. All sounds in the universe is manifested by striking together two objects, which sets the vibration and sound waves. However the primordial sound is the source of all sounds and known to be uncaused sound, it is just is, and the heart centre is where this sound manifests.
This chakra is symbolised by a blue lotus with twelve petals with the “Star of Davi” in the centre (two crossing triangles) this is because the Anahata chakra is the connecting point of the lower chakras’ self absorbed, survival oriented qualities, and the higher chakras spiritual, other-directed, outward bound qualities. Because of this ethereal quality it is represented by the yatra of vayu tattwa, the air element.
Anahata chakra is the centre associated with the sense of touch (feeling), the hands (giving and taking) and emotions, ranging from narrow attachments to unconditional love.
As this level is purified, the feelings of universal fellowship and tolerance begin to develop and all beings are accepted and loved for what they are.
At the level of Anahata chakra, one begins to become more creative in whatever field is set to do it, as at this chakra one becomes less identified with the limited human existence and instead open to the universal existence, transcending the individual identification.
On the physical level, Anahata is associated with the heart (circulatory system), lungs (respiratory system) and thymus (immune system).
The Green Light Green is the universal healing colour.
It is said to balance and give harmony and possesses a soothing influence upon both mind and body. It is neither relaxing nor astringent .Green light therapy is used for balancing our whole being.
When the energy of Anahata Chakra is balanced:
It brings acceptance of life, harmonious relationships, harmony with nature, unconditional love.
When the energy of Anahata Chakra is unbalanced:
It brings alienation, attachment, grief, loneliness, passive aggression, questioning the existence of love.
Blue light therapy &/Vishuddhi Chakra:
Situated at the back of the neck, behind the throat pit, also called the centre of purification, because this is the first chakra with Sattvic qualities. Sattva means purity, understanding, peace and other qualities that leads one to express the inner harmony and the harmonious interactions with other people and outside world.
Vishuddhi Chakra is considered the centre of communication. Sound, vibration, rhythm, music, voice, words are all aspects of the Fifth Chakra.
It represents how we process things in life, and how we express them. It is about opening the voice, speaking your truth, and freeing your creativity.
Blue colour is at the opposite end of the visible spectrum and is electric, cooling and has yin qualities in it (it relaxes and gives peace of mind) It is also the colour that work balances the Aura/magnetic field. Therapeutically blue light is used for inflammation of the tissue or skin, it also has antibacterial properties.
When the energy of Vishuddhi Chakra is balanced:
we speak our truth
Communication, knowledge and the ability to communicate increases
It enables one to express their, being authentic and confident in their self-expression and interaction with others
When the energy of Vishuddhi Chakra is unbalanced:
weakness in expressive and descriptive abilities, shyness, voice problems, insecurity, withdrawn into self, deception.
Indigo light therapy &Third Eye/Ajna Chakra:
The sit of the soul, Ajna chakra, is situated in the midbrain, behind the eyebrow centre, at the top of the spine, is ajna chakra. Also known as the third eye, the eye of Shiva, or the 6th chakra. Ajna means command, as it is here where the disciple, receives guidance from the higher self, the guru, the teacher within.
It is represented by a silver lotus with two petals: the Sun and the Moon, or the Ida & Pingala nadis. Here we have the union of dualities to the centre Nadi, sushmuna, meaning the realisation of the spiritual force of the self, where wisdom and intuition develop.
The element is the mind, and once Ajna chakra is awakened, the mind becomes steady and strong, the mind is your servant not the opposite and the full control of prana (the life force) is gained.
Ajna corresponds to the pineal gland which helps to convent signals from the nervous system to the endocrine system, it secretes melatonin (a hormone that causes sleepiness and regulation of certain endocrine glands). Together with pituitary gland and hypothalamus it regulates many other functions such as hunger, biological clock, ageing process.
On the psychic plane this chakra is the bridge between the mental and psychic plane, responsible for supernatural activities, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, near death experience.
It is one of the most subtle forms of energy and once is awakened it is possible to send and receive thought transmission through this centre. It is like a psychic doorway opening into deeper and higher levels of awareness.
Stimulating Ajna chakra one develops the faculty of the mind, such as intelligence, memory and concentration.
The Indigo colour represents exactly this fusion of dense and subtle. Indigo is a mixture of red colour (instinct, material creation, the root chakra) with the blue colour (which is the spiritual colour, the colour that balances the electromagnetic field). When we merge the red colour: instinct and creative potential, with the blue colour: spirit/auric field (flow) we have Indigo colour: INTUITION.
When the energy of Ajna Chakra is balanced:
one feels comfortable in any reality, have clear perception, psychic abilities, reliable intuition, is able to see energy within beyond matter and form.
When the energy of Ajna Chakra is balanced:
one may suffer from insomnia or over sleep,
be out of mind and body,
has difficult to visualise, confusion from what is real and not, tendency to hide in intellectual analyses,
inability to focus
Violet light therapy &/Sahasrara Chakra:
Sahasrara is the seat of the soul, it is everything & nothing. The literal meaning of the word means “one thousand”, therefore represented by a lotus with 1000 petals. However, the real meaning is VAST. It is the totality, it is the force that drives the Universe itself…unmeasurable, beyond logic, description and human understanding.
Human consciousness manifests according to the chakra that is predominantly functioning. Sahasrara however, acts through nothing and everything, yet it is right there, just at the crown of the head.
It is the crown of expanded awareness
To get to Sahasrara feeling one must transcend the barriers of the mind. The mind is a machine programmed with countless thoughts; thoughts of the past, plans for the future.
It is plagued with worries, fears, jealousies, etc… It continually broods over “whether he/she likes me or not; Did I make a good impression or a fool of myself? and on and on….There is no end to mental fluctuations, they can never be stopped or suppressed or they will bubble again with more intensity.
Violet is the last colour on the blue end and has the shortest wave length of the visual spectrum, therefore it is the most powerful in frequency and vibration. It vibrates at 731 trillion times per second
It is a cooling colour and calms the metabolism, it is nourishing and soothing for all organs. It is normally used in medicine for its antibacterial properties, hence it has the ability to enhance the immune system. It balances the blood minerals and purifies it by stimulating the spleen organ.
It purifies our thoughts and feelings giving us inspiration in all undertakings.
When the energy of Sahasrara Chakra is balanced:
awareness is attained one may experience bliss
When the energy of Sahasrara Chakra is balanced:
may feel doubt or denial of spiritual reality, over intellectualisation, be religious not spiritual, excessive attachments, dissociation of the body and this reality.